Greensboro Car Accident Attorney

Dealing with the aftermath of a Greensboro car accident can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. Shipman & Wright offers legal guidance and support to those facing how to handle a Greensboro car accident. Our Greensboro car accident attorneys are skilled in delivering personal legal strategies to address the unique circumstances of your case. We will make sure your rights are protected to maximize your recovery. Using our in-depth knowledge of North Carolina’s traffic laws and our commitment to justice, we will deal with legal burdens so you can focus on your recovery. At Shipman & Wright, we’re your steadfast allies and are ready to fight for the compensation and peace of mind you deserve. Contact us today for your free consultation.

Why Choose Shipman & Wright for Your Greensboro Car Accident Case?

Choosing Shipman & Wright for your Greensboro car accident case means choosing a legal team with a commitment to your well-being and successful resolution of your claim. Here are specific reasons why Shipman & Wright stands out as the optimal choice for your Greensboro car accident representation:

  • Local Insight and Experience: Our attorneys at Shipman & Wright are rooted in the Greensboro area. This local knowledge is invaluable in understanding the nuances of your case such as specific traffic laws to the best strategies for dealing with local insurance companies and court officials.
  • Client-Centered Legal Strategies: One point that sets Shipman & Wright apart is our dedication to developing personalized legal strategies that cater to the specific needs and circumstances of each client. We recognize that every Greensboro car accident case in Greensboro is unique and requires a tailored approach for the most favorable outcome.
  • Exceptional Track Record: Shipman & Wright has a proven history of securing significant compensation for Greensboro car accident victims through settlements and verdicts.
  • Direct Communication with Experienced Attorneys: Our clients benefit from direct communication with our seasoned attorneys who are committed to making themselves available to answer questions, provide updates, and offer reassurance throughout the legal process.

The Role of an Attorney in a Greensboro Car Accident Claim

Having an attorney in managing a Greensboro car accident claim is crucial. Here’s how our attorneys at Shipman & Wright navigate these claims:

  • Case Evaluation: Our Greensboro personal injury attorneys at Shipman & Wright start with a detailed evaluation of your case. This initial step is crucial for mapping out a strategy tailored to your specific claim.
  • Evidence Gathering and Expert Collaboration: We will gather critical evidence and if necessary, use medical, accident reconstruction, and financial experts to build a compelling case. Our comprehensive approach is important to make sure all aspects of your claim are thoroughly supported by evidence.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: We will take on dealing with insurance companies. We will not let insurance companies bully you into anything less than you’re entitled to. If necessary, we will take your claim all the way to litigation to show the other side that we are serious.
  • No Upfront Financial Burden: We offer our services on a contingency fee basis. At Shipman & Wright, we will not let our clients financially prevent them from accessing top-tier legal representation. You only pay if we secure a settlement or win your case.

Causes of Greensboro Car Accidents

Greensboro car accidents can be caused by a variety of factors. Identifying the cause of a car accident is a critical step in determining liability and pursuing compensation for damages and injuries. Here are some common causes of car accidents our Greensboro car accident attorneys see at Shipman & Wright:

  • Distracted Driving: Distracted driving remains one of the leading causes of car accidents, not just in Greensboro but nationwide. This can include anything from texting, using a phone, and adjusting the radio, to other activities that take the driver’s attention away from the road.
  • Speeding: Driving above the speed limit or too fast for the road conditions is a significant factor in many accidents. High speeds reduce the driver’s ability to steer away from danger or stop in time to prevent a collision.
  • Drunk Driving: Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs drastically impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction times, increasing the likelihood of an accident. Despite strict DUI laws, drunk driving accidents are still prevalent.
  • Reckless Driving: This encompasses a range of dangerous behaviors on the road, including aggressive driving, changing lanes without signaling, tailgating, and ignoring traffic signals. Such actions can lead to severe accidents, putting all road users at risk.
  • Poor Road Conditions: Potholes, lack of proper signage, inadequate street lighting, and unmarked construction zones can contribute to car accidents in Greensboro. While drivers are expected to navigate carefully regardless of road conditions, the entities responsible for road maintenance may also bear liability in such cases.
  • Mechanical Failures: Car accidents can also result from mechanical failures, such as brake failures, tire blowouts, steering issues, or engine problems. Regular vehicle maintenance is crucial to prevent such issues, but manufacturing defects can also be at fault.
  • Failure to Yield the Right of Way: Many accidents occur at intersections because drivers fail to yield the right of way, either out of negligence or misunderstanding of traffic laws. This includes running red lights or stop signs, or not allowing pedestrians to cross safely.

Contributory Negligence in Greensboro Car Accidents

Contributory negligence is a principle where if the plaintiff is found to have contributed to the cause of their accident in any way, even slightly, they are barred from recovering any compensation from the party they are suing. This rule places a high burden on the victim to prove that they were entirely without fault in the incident.

As an example, consider when a driver is hit by another vehicle that ran a red light. However, at the time of the accident, the driver was slightly over the speed limit. In a lawsuit, the court finds that the driver’s speeding contributed to the severity of the accident. Under Greensboro’s strict contributory negligence doctrine, despite the other driver’s clear violation of running a red light, the driver’s partial fault in speeding—even if it was only a minor factor compared to the other driver’s actions—would bar the driver from recovering any damages. This outcome starkly illustrates the potential harshness of contributory negligence, where even a small degree of fault on the plaintiff’s part can lead to a complete denial of compensation. Proper legal representation is key to making sure your rights are preserved.

Contact Our Greensboro Car Accident Lawyer Today

At Shipman & Wright, we understand the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming, dealing with injuries, financial pressures, and the complexities of legal claims. This is where our Greensboro car accident lawyers come in. With a commitment to our clients and an in-depth understanding of North Carolina car accident laws, our team is equipped to deal with the challenges of your case. We understand the nuances of local Greensboro and North Carolina state laws. Our Greensboro car accident attorneys bring years of experience, a proven track record of success, and a compassionate approach to each case. We are prepared to handle every aspect of your claim, from gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies to representing you in court if necessary. Don’t navigate this challenging time alone. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a Greensboro car accident lawyer who will fight for your rights every step of the way. Let us shoulder the legal burden so you can focus on your recovery. Reach out to learn more about how we can assist you with your Greensboro car accident claim. Call (910) 762-1990.